
🏍 200 Hot

🏍 200 Hot

The Iron Tornadoes MC Romance Series: Books 4-6

Hot Pursuit
Slider is my guardian angel in this hell hole.
He makes sure the only thing the clients get out of me is a dance.
We both know I don’t belong here but the price of my escape is losing him.
Sally is been my light in this pool of darkness.
She has no idea who I truly am and yet she helps me remember what I am fighting for.
I never realized how much I needed her until he stole her away from me.

Hot Mess
They call me Everest ‘cause I’m a mountain of man. A man who wants it all.
I refuse to choose. Not between my bike, my club, my badge, and the women in my bed.
There’s no room in my life for this hot mess of a girl who fell onto my laps.

White Hot
The Iron Tornadoes' princess thinks she can handle playing with fire.
Well, I’m nobody’s Prince Charming, and I’m here to make sure she gets burned.
Years ago their motorcycle club tortured my aunt to within an inch of her life. Her father showed my family no mercy, and this is our chance to repay him in the only way he’ll understand.
With his daughter’s blood.
I’ll do what needs to be done, even it if means both of us going down in flames.
Juliya thinks I’m different from the other bastards in her life, and she’s right.
I’m worse.

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The Translator

The Translator


A bullet lodged in my brain since I was a pre-teen erased my past and changed my future. I don’t know what kind of kid I was was—happy, rebellious, lazy, ambitious. One of those, none of those. My parents could tell me, if I knew who they were.
As far as I’m concerned, I was born the day a kindly stranger picked me up on the side of the road, blood covering me so that I must have looked like something from a horror movie. Andrew saved my life and gave me an education at an Academy full of talented kids.
Or, as we called it—The Factory.
My talent? Because of that bullet, I can learn just about any language and master its subtle nuances faster than anyone on the planet. The same goes for other skills. My memory is like magic—except when I can’t tell reality from fantasy.
Andrew didn’t know any of that when he rescued me. Just like I didn’t know I’d have to one day pay back the Foundation that runs the Factory.
They call it the Favor. I call it inescapable.


Unlike most of the youth who find their way to the Factory, I’m happy to repay my Favor. I know where I come from, and I sure don’t want to go back. I almost made it out on my own. College football scouts, even a few from the Majors, were checking me out when I was just a kid with no fuzz on my cheeks.
Golden hands, pistons for legs—I could run and catch and never get tired.
Then I couldn’t run anymore, not like I needed to if I wanted to join the pantheon of football gods or even play in the minors. Scholarship offers for college dried up, gifts given from the scouts were un-given.
I was back to living in squalor, and, to this day, I can’t figure out why the Factory took me in. I wasn’t smart like the other kids...but I had my talents. Being able to take a beating and get back up was one, picking locks was another.
So, yeah, I’m happy to repay the Favor. Heck, finding out who my partner is, I’m freaking ecstatic. She’s the mystery girl of my dreams.This time, I’m going to make her notice me.

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🏍 08 Alerte Tornade

🏍 08 Alerte Tornade

Brian “Ice” Hatcher est le nouveau président des Tornades d’Acier et il ne veut plus attendre. Lisa doit choisir son camp.
Ice connait Lisa depuis toujours. Sexy, intelligente et voluptueuse, elle est sa partenaire idéale.
Il lui a laissé une éternité pour se décider. C’est lui ou sa carrière au sein de l’administration de l’Etat de Floride. Elle a disposé de tout le temps du monde : d’abord ses années d’université puis les suivantes.
Aujourd’hui, elle doit prendre une décision. Elle doit le choisir lui ou tout sera terminé entre eux.

Mais Lisa ne veut pas choisir.
Elle veut tout : l’homme et la carrière.
Ce qu’elle ne comprend pas c’est qu’elle risque de tout perdre.

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CM-03 Found and Kept

CM-03 Found and Kept

Diana didn’t believe in revisiting the past and Leo was the past.

She needed to look to the future and chef Angelo wanted to be that future.

Dark eyes, dark hair, dazzling smile he looked every bit as delicious as the food he prepared.

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🏍 02 Iron Tornadoes – Brennende Kälte

🏍 02 Iron Tornadoes – Brennende Kälte

Mein Name ist Brian Hatcher und ich will alles.
Ich will die Kontrolle über den Motorradclub, den mein Vater anführt. Iich will den Mörder meines Freundes David unter der Erde sehen, und mehr als alles will ich Davids Schwester Lisa.
Ich will Lisa hinter mir auf meinem Motorrad, in meinem Bett und im Bann meiner brennenden Kälte.
Mir ist egal, dass Lisa sich nicht sicher ist, welche Rolle die Iron Tornadoes bei Davids Tod spielten, oder dass es ihr Wunsch ist, Staatsanwältin zu werden.
Ihre Wünsche werden mir nicht im Weg stehen.
Am Ende bekomme ich immer, was ich will.

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03 🛩 Saint-Tropez Twist: Ein Riviera Security Roman

03 🛩  Saint-Tropez Twist: Ein Riviera Security Roman

Hinter dem Glanz von Saint-Tropez verbergen sich manchmal dunkle Geheimnisse

Andrea Bianchi, der aufgrund seiner Verletzungen gezwungen ist, sich eine Auszeit zu nehmen, kann nicht anders, als regelmäßig in der Agentur Riviera Security in Saint-Tropez vorbeizusehen. Nicht nur, um den Kontakt zu seinem Team zu halten, sondern vor allem auch, um die neue Assistentin Madison im Auge zu behalten.

Madison Dylan wollte den Sommer in Monaco mit Ted Carter genießen, doch der hatte andere Pläne für sie: Sie wird in Saint-Tropez arbeiten müssen. Für die hübsche Brünette verläuft der Start in der Agentur recht gut, auch wenn Andrea nicht sehr begeistert von ihrer Anwesenheit zu sein scheint... Bis zur Ankunft von Mai Lan, die neu im Team ist. Madison, die die Initiative ergriffen hat, eine Serie von Einbrüchen auf eigene Faust zu untersuchen, findet heraus, dass dieser Fall viel komplexer ist, als er anfangs erschien. Noch neu in ihrem Metier, erkennt sie, dass Teamarbeit unerlässlich ist, um das Rätsel zu entschlüsseln. Doch wird sie auch den Schlüssel zu Andreas Herz finden?

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Défi Suprême

Défi Suprême

Ancien Marine, aujourd’hui au service direct du Président des États-Unis, Dan Patterson est entièrement concentré sur sa carrière. Sans regret, car sa dernière expérience amoureuse a viré au fiasco, mettant en danger la vie de ses proches. Quand il rencontre Erik Astakupour, un mystérieux étranger, lors d’une soirée de fin d’année à Washington, l’attirance est immédiate, la nuit qui s’ensuit torride, mais sans promesse de lendemain.

Les deux hommes n’étaient pas destinés à se revoir, mais Erik n’a pas joué franc-jeu… Alors que Dan découvre son identité, leurs vies se retrouvent soudainement en danger, les obligeant à fuir ensemble.

Entre le militaire et l’attaché d’ambassade, la tension est palpable, mais lorsque la géopolitique et des soupçons de manipulation s’en mêlent, tout devient histoire de loyauté. Leur devoir et leur engagement pour leurs pays respectifs leur offrent peu de place pour l’amour.
Parviendront-ils tout de même à se laisser tenter ?

Une romance MM explosive où secrets et action vous tiendrons en haleine !

Ce livre fait partie de l'univers de Florida Security mais peut être lu indépendamment du reste de la série.

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01 🛩 French Escapade

01 🛩 French Escapade


An American soldier.
Kenneth Dylan
comes home to an empty house. Madison, the sister he’s raised since their parents died, has run away. She’s on a French escapade with a man named Arkady. An escapade that is turning ugly. Her last message, a call for help.
A French policewoman.
Élodie Cossa
is a police officer in Cannes. Limited to desk duty after rattling the wrong cages, she’s on probation. Yet, she doesn’t hesitate to put her job on the line to help Ken look for his sister.
An irresistible attraction and a joint investigation will uncover so much more than a human trafficking network.

Book 1 in the Riviera Security series, French Escapade can be read as a standalone.

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The Futurist

The Futurist

My job is to study facts and predict the future, but he’s the one thing I never saw coming.
The Factory is in trouble, and they’re calling in their favor.
I always knew this day was coming, but of all the men they could send to protect me, did it have to be Chad?
I thought I was over him, but having him right here is a sexy distraction I don’t need when I should be figuring out who’s trying to burn Foundation for an Active, Optimized and Rich Youth to the ground.
Our mission is no romantic trip down memory lane.
He’s here to keep me alive, not remind me of everything we used to have together.

Chandra’s all I ever wanted in a woman, I just wasn’t mature enough to realize what a good thing I had when we were together. I wasn’t expecting to get a second chance, and I hate that I’m getting it because her life is at risk.
Chandra doesn’t know that even if I didn’t owe the Factory, I’d gladly put my life on the line for hers. I’ll show her I’m a changed man, even if it means sacrificing everything.

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