Author: Olivia


Posted December 28, 2021 by Olivia in GIVEAWAY / 0 Comments

Let’s start the new year with a couple of bangs, the first one is a giveaway for the book 1 of my new series, THE FACTORY.
So here what it’s about :
They call themselves the Foundation for an Active, Optimized and Rich Youth.
We call them the F.ACT.O.R.Y.
They took us in as broken kids, spared no expenses to put us back together.

When they thought we were ready they sent us out to the world to live our lives.

We were set loose but not free.

Each of us owes them one Favor.

And now they’ve come to collect.
Tempted? Good, enter the Giveaway.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Factory Controller by Olivia Rigal

Factory Controller

by Olivia Rigal

Giveaway ends January 03, 2022.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Posted December 28, 2021 by Olivia in GIVEAWAY / 0 Comments